A Message From the Robb Alumni Committee.

Hello Robbers,

We have been members of the Robb College family for many years and through the Robb College Alumni we hope to help build this community and the value and fun we can extend to you to reunite with the friends you made while in College.

It has been exciting to see the successful transformation of the College over the past few years. The continuing strong student demand to belong to Robb in the face of the challenges created of keeping the College alive and thriving through the moves between 2 buildings on the UNE residential campus. The wonderful sporting victories, the initiatives shown by the College Leadership teams in their charity fund-raisings, the growing scholarships and benefits funded by the Robb Foundation, the academic achievements maintained and the continuing tradition of developing friends and contacts for life that Robb creates while we learn.

If you have not already, I urge you to visit this website regularly for the latest news and see Upcoming Events. It was the College’s 60th anniversary in 2020 and with Covid declining in ferocity we have seen a resurgence in Alumni reunions. Please contact us if you are planning one or if you are not receiving our bi-annual newsletters then please update your details on the Register page on this website.

Robb College is so much more than a place to sleep and eat. It provides students with both an academic and social system of support that helps the transition from secondary to tertiary education a little more manageable. Robb remains a place where student’s academic, social, sporting, community and cultural interested are supported, and the results of this can be seen in the fantastic academic, sporting results and community and cultural projects that are achieved from Robb Students, both past and present.

The Robb Alumni continues to be an invaluable asset for Robb and its current students. Please continue to keep in touch with the College. If you have an event, such as a reunion that you would like us to promote or help find ex-robbers, please get in touch with us on the email address below.

Whilst the current Robb College students are not living in the original building the original and lasting Robber spirit has not been lost, proving that #nothingrunslikearobber.

robb college Alumni