Robb College Scholarship Appeal
Who are our future Rural Leaders? A high proportion of young people from rural and remote Australia if educated in regional Australia stay or return to work and live in regional Australia or related industries. They return to become our farmers, rural-scientists, educators, health, legal, accounting advisers and business owners. 50% of these are young women.
Appeal to have $2m in Trust funds by 2030 and fund a 5th pathway. Commencing in 2019 the Robb Foundation launched this public appeal to establish a new pathway of residential Scholarships. The first two pathways were commenced in 2020 to commemorate the 60th Year for Robb College. In 2023, with thanks to our Alumni and industry Partners, we commenced funding 4 scholarship pathways plus providing benefits for all Robb students by funding Leadership training and assisting with work-experience. We need to increase the value of our scholarships to keep pace with fees and inflation and we wish to commence a fifth pathway for Sports scholarships to commence in 2026.
Our young people are up to the challenges. Armed with the best tools and knowledge they will keep our rural communities and farming sustainable. They must receive the best know-how, science and ability to apply those tools to improve our farms, professions and enterprises.
We are helping to ensure their education is not handicapped by financial need. Residential fees cannot be put on HECS. We lose some of our best talent when times are tough. They return home due to family need. Many give-up their education. A scholarship can help the family employ a replacement for their son or daughter from their local community.
The Colleges are the heart of the UNE Doing a residential degree supported by a College halves your changes of failing, can be quicker, more enjoyable and half the cost of the cities. Many students combine the full-time residential experience with external based courses or work-experience. They make contacts and friends for life. Students come from across Australia and overseas.
Robb College has 60 years links with rural and city based Alumni. Our 60-year foundation of relationships is a network which links metro to rural and regional Australia. This network and the friends they make can assist young people for the rest of their life. Being a Robber can have far-reaching impacts.
The demand by students to join Robb College is high and has been a consistent element over many years. This is why the Robb Foundation turned its efforts towards a concerted effort to reward and support the student body. We wish to help encourage student numbers and lift the academic culture in the College.
Progress of Robb Appeal
The new scholarships provide a “pathway” of support for a student in each year of their degree and scale-up in size for senior and Higher Degree students who are demonstrating strong academic and extra-curricular achievement and who wish to reside in Robb College. It has combined and preserved some “old” awards with new ones.
Help us lift the following scholarships:
1. The Robb Foundation Meredith Scholarship.
2. The Robb Foundation Sinclair-Wilson Scholarship.
2. The Robb Foundation Leadership Scholarship.
3. The Robb Foundation Irvine Scholarship.
4. The Robb Foundation Darren Ellis Memorial Scholarship
5. The Robb Foundation Wal & Pam Whalley Senior Fellows Scholarship.
6. The Robb Foundation Sports-Leader Scholarship
8. Numerous Prizes including Meredith, Gannaway, Coventry, Cartwright…
Donations to this scheme need to be made into the Robb College Foundation Scholarship Trust account.
This account has been established within the UNE Foundation (UNEF) trust funds specifically for Robb College.
Your donation to UNEF is Tax-Deductible and will be invested and remain under Trust to generate perpetual income to support Robb College scholarships.
The Robb College Foundation is an incorporated Association. We have a donor agreement with UNEF and UNE that require that all our funds and income must be used solely and exclusively for Robb College.
The UNE Foundation has a separate Board from the UNE Administration, and has Deductible Gift Recipient status.
Our funds, as part of the total UNEF trust funds of over $20m, are invested and managed by an external, professional Fund Manager under contract to the UNEF.
These scholarships will help support talented students from rural areas whose families are often suffering drought or other natural disasters from the rural economic cycle.
Your donation will help those students continue to attend Robb even in the ‘lean’ years.
Our scholarships will help us build an equal opportunity for talented and gifted students who may not otherwise have considered doing a degree.
They will help attract, build, retain and motivate more students to strive for excellence and discover their true capability.
Your donation will be one of the best investments in helping to develop young people to go on to serve their communities as professionals and become leaders in their fields.
Robb’s students come from all backgrounds: rural, city, national and international. Most of our Graduates fill key roles in Science, Research, Health, Law, Accounting, Finance, Banking and Agriculture not only in Australia but in World Organisations. This is an opportunity to make a contribution to building equal opportunity for academic learning and development for all students from all walks of life…and help build our future generations of leaders and problem-solvers.
Your donation will leave an everlasting legacy that will help Robb College continue to thrive and grow within UNE to be one of the leading residential, educational Colleges in SE Asia.
Making a donation to this Appeal will leave an income stream that will benefit current and future generations of students. Your gift will be an ever-lasting legacy.
Please click on the button below to see how you can donate and to drop down the Appeal brochure and Pledge form.
Please help us to give these young people the Robb College experience….
Robb College Foundation - “ You Gave Me Friends for Life”
Donor Accounts for the RCFA have been established with the UNE Foundation Ltd which has DGR status. This ensures your donations are tax-deductible and that the capital and income will be spent on Robb College. UNEF Tax Deductible Status ABN: 77 094 834 107