Robb Sports


Robb College has a long history of sporting endeavour, commitment to and participation in a wide range of sports. You can join one of our College teams in a range of weekly sporting competitions, have fun playing sports you have never tried before or take part by coaching or just on a social level.

Have fun as we participate in the diverse inter-collegiate campus sports in the Mary-Bagnall (for women) and Presidents Trophy (for men) competitions. 

The sports facilities and fields at UNE are top-rate and there are many good sports clubs, golf-courses, fields, parks and gyms in the town and surrounding communities. Sporting competitions run throughout different times of the year. Want to come along? Just contact us and we'll let you know what's running. 

join a team…

Rugby (Four grades incl.Womens 10’s),

Netball (3 Grades, 1 Mixed),

Hockey (3 Grades),

Basketball (Mens & Womens), Soccer,

Volleyball (2 Mixed Teams), Water Polo (1 Mixed Team)

Other UNE or local sports like Aussie-Rules, Golf, Shooting, Soccer, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Squash, Athletics, Futsal are available. 

Fresher Matches

Each year we have a set of three sports matches between our Robb freshers, and the freshers at St Alberts College. The sports competitions between Robb and Albies is legendary as they are our regional version of an ”Oxford-Cambridge” rivalry.

Robb Fresher Girls compete in the Fresher Netball competition
Robb Fresher Boys compete in the Fresher Football competition
Robb Fresher Hockey compete in the Fresher Hockey competition

UNE Campus inter-collegiate Competitions

Mary Bagnall Trophy (Womens Competition) & President's Trophy (Mens Competition) are weekly, inter-college competitions held throughout the year. There is a mixture of fun, mass participation events and team sports played, with points for winning being tallied up at the end of the year to find the winning college. To find out more about all the different competitions that run, click here

Robb Students Compete in MB/PT Tug-of-War Competition
Robb Students Compete in MB/PT Volleyball Competition
Robb Students Compete in MB/PT Soccer Competition

Uni Games

As a part of the University of New England, Robb students have the opportunity to compete in the annual Uni (inter-Varsity) Games competition. Students compete in an array of sports, from team sports both large and small to single-competitor games. You can have the opportunity to travel inter-state and represent UNE.

Une elite-sports program

 UNE is part of the Elite Athlete Education Network, which supports Australia's elite athletes to achieve academic excellence whilst also pursuing a sporting career. Robb College has special Sports-Awards & Leader Scholarships and supports the UNE Elite Sports program for students who are formally recognised athletes, performers, coaches and administrators, who are engaged in training and competition at a national or international level. Go here for details on the UNE program; UNE Elite Sports

Robb Student Plays for Australia - you can follow Savannah White as she plays Futsal for Australian Open Team B in Spain, July 2023. Savannah is under the UNE Elite Sports program and supported by Robb College Foundation.